Linting a package.json file

The next style file fixes a package.json file using project-config:

  rules: [
      files: ["package.json"],
      JMESPathsMatch: [
        // name
        // ----
        //   check that the name of the package match a regular expression
        //   or set it from the name of the root directory in `fix` mode
        ["regex_match('[a-z0-9-]{3,}', name)", true, "rootdir_name()"],

        // version
        // -------
        //   check that the version of the package match a regular expression
        //   or set it to '0.1.0' in `fix` mode
        ["regex_match('\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+', version)", true, "0.1.0"],

        // description
        // -----------
        //   check that the description field has been added or add with an empty
        //   value in `fix` mode
        ["type(description)", "string"],

        // keywords
        // --------
        //   check that at least two keywords has been added, if fails create an empty
        //   array in `fix` mode
          "op(length(keywords), '>', `1`)",
          "deepmerge(@, {keywords: []})",

        // homepage
        // --------
        //   check that the homepage field is pointing to a valid URL to Github
        //   or set it to '{rootdir_name}'
          "op(op('', '+', rootdir_name()), '==', homepage)",
          "set(@, 'homepage', op('', '+', rootdir_name()))",

        // bugs
        // ----
        //   check that the bugs field is pointing to a valid URL to Github issue tracker
        ["type(bugs)", "object"],
          "op(op(op('', '+', rootdir_name()), '+', '/issues'), '==', bugs.url)",
          "deepmerge(@, {bugs: {url: op(op('', '+', rootdir_name()), '+', '/issues')}})",

        // funding
        // -------
        //   check that the funding key is added and has a `type` and `url` keys
        ["type(funding)", "object"],
          "deepmerge(@, {funding: {type: 'patreon'}})",
          "deepmerge(@, {funding: {url: ''}})",

        // repository
        // ----------
        //   check that the repository field is pointing to a valid URL to Github
        ["type(repository)", "object"],
        ["repository.type", "git", "deepmerge(@, {repository: {type: 'git'}})"],
          "op(op(op('', '+', rootdir_name()), '+', '.git'), '==', repository.url)",
          "deepmerge(@, {repository: {url: op(op('', '+', rootdir_name()), '+', '.git')}})",

        // engines
        // -------
        ["type(engines)", "object"],
          "contains(keys(engines), 'node')",
          "deepmerge(@, {engines: {node: '^14.15.0 || >=16.0.0'}})",

        // Remove invalid fields
        // ---------------------
        //   - engineStrict, engine-strict (removed in NPM v3)
        ["contains(keys(@), 'engineStrict')", false],
        ["contains(keys(@), 'engine-strict')", false],
        //   - preferGlobal
        ["contains(keys(@), 'preferGlobal')", false],

        // private
        // -------
        //   set it explicitly: if not defined, set to `true`
        ["type(private)", "boolean", "set(@, 'private', `true`)"],

        // scripts
        // -------
        //   define a default `version` script to show the version of the program
        ["type(scripts)", "object"],
          "contains(keys(scripts), 'version')",
          "deepmerge(@, {scripts: {version: 'node -e \\'console.log(require(\"./package.json\").version)\\''}})",
      crossJMESPathsMatch: [
          // license
          // -------
          //   must be a valid SPDX OSI approved license identifier
            "licenses[?isOsiApproved] | [?!isDeprecatedLicenseId].licenseId",
          "contains([1], [0])",
  "name": "a-valid-project-name",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
  "keywords": [
  "homepage": "",
  "bugs": {
    "url": ""
  "funding": {
    "type": "patreon",
    "url": ""
  "repository": {
    "url": "",
    "type": "git"
  "engines": {
    "node": "^14.15.0 || >=16.0.0"
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "version": "node -e 'console.log(require(\"./package.json\").version)'"