Writing third party reporters

See also


project-config discover third party reporters from plugin entrypoints looking for modules in the entrypoints group project_config.reporters, so the first thing is to add the entrypoint to the group:

my_reporter = "package.subpackage.my_reporter_module"

The name of the entrypoint (my_reporter in the previous example) is the name of the reporter that you must pass in the CLI option project-config --reporter to use it.

Reporters module

A valid reporters module is made of two public classes which inherit from project_config.reporters.base.BaseReporter, one with ColorReporter (the colorized version of the reporter) as part of the name of the class and other with Reporter. If the user pass to the CLI --no-color, the black/white version of the reporter will be used, being the colorized the default.


If you want a base class for the two reporters, you can name it starting with Base or _ (making it private) and project-config will ignore it.

The class project_config.reporters.base.BaseReporter is an abstract class that enforces the following methods:

For color reporters you may want to inherit from project_config.reporters.base.BaseColorReporter and use the methods whose names start with format_ to colorize certain parts of the output.

See the built-in reporters at reporters submodules and the project_config.reporters.base module for more information.

Testing reporters

project-config comes with built-in pytest fixtures to easily test reports generated from reporters. See project_config.tests.pytest_plugin.plugin.