
Configuration must be defined in TOML format in one of the next files:

  • .project-config.toml

  • pyproject.toml (inside a [tool.project-config] table)

  • A custom file passing -c/--config argument in the command line.


You can use the project-config init command to initialize a minimal configuration and JSON5 style file.

project-config init

style (string or string[])

It is the unique mandatory field. At least one style with one rule must be specified to run project-config.

It can be a string or an array of strings, always pointing existent resources. Valid resource types are:

  • Local files with relative paths like foo.json5 or ./bar.yaml.

  • Github schema URIs in the form gh://<user>/<project>(@tag)?/<path/to/file.ext> like gh://mondeja/project-config-styles/python/version/min-37.json5. The @ syntax is used to pin a GIT reference (commit, tag, branch) and is optional, if is not specified the main branch of the repository will be used.

  • Raw URLs like

The rules of the styles are applied in the same order that they are defined.

cache (string)

Cache expiration time for all online resources fetched. Default value is "5 minutes". Must follow the format cache = "<integer> <time-unit>". Time unit can be one of these (plural or singular, it doesn’t matter):

  • seconds / second

  • minutes / minute

  • hours / hour

  • days / day

  • weeks / week

Also accept the next string to not use the cache at all.

  • never


You can also disable the cache passing the CLI option --no-cache / --nocache or setting the PROJECT_CONFIG_USE_CACHE environment variable to "false".

See also

You can use the command project-config show cache to output the location of project-config’s cache directory.

project-config CLI

cli (object)

Configures the CLI execution. It avoids you to pass the same CLI arguments to the project-config command.

cli.rootdir (string)

Root directory of the project. Corresponds to the project-config --rootdir optional CLI argument.

cli.reporter (string)

Reporter to use. Corresponds to the NAME:FORMAT part of the project-config --reporter optional CLI argument.

cli.color (boolean)

Specifies if your want the output to be colored. Corresponds to the project-config --no-color optional CLI argument.

cli.colors (object)

Custom colors used in the output of the CLI. Corresponds to the color= argument of the project-config --reporter optional CLI argument.

cli.only_hints (boolean)

Specifies if you want to only show the hints rather than the full error messages if rules have them. As default disabled.


style = ["style.json5"]
cache = "5 minutes"

color = false
reporter = "json"
rootdir = "src"
only_hints = true