Basic usage

The minimal possible configuration depends on two files, the configuration and one style file:

style = "foo.json"

This example enforces the existence of a .gitignore file which must include a line with the content /dist/.

The first time that you execute project-config check will raise an error indicating the abcense of .gitignore:

  - Expected existing file does not exists rules[0].files[0]

If you create a .gitignore keeping it empty, the second time it will warns indicating that the file does not include the line:

  - Expected line '/dist/' not found rules[0].includeLines[0]

If you include the line, it will not warn exiting with 0 code.


This example is automatically fixable executing project-config fix when the file .gitignore is even unexistent.

$ project-config fix
  - (FIXED) Expected existing file does not exists rules[0].files[0]
  - (FIXED) Expected line '/dist/' not found rules[0].includeLines[0]

See also

Output from real examples:
