Source code for project_config.reporters

"""Error reporters."""

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import json
import types
from import Callable
from typing import Any

from tabulate import tabulate_formats

from project_config.compat import importlib_metadata
from project_config.exceptions import ProjectConfigException
from project_config.reporters.base import BaseReporter


[docs]class UnparseableReporterError(ProjectConfigException): """Reporter can't be parsed.""" def __init__(self, reporter_id: str) -> None: # noqa: D107 super().__init__( f"Reporter '{reporter_id}' can't be parsed. " "See 'project-config --help' for more information.", )
[docs]class InvalidThirdPartyReporterName(ProjectConfigException): """A third party reporter can't be loaded by his identifier.""" def __init__(self, reporter_id: str) -> None: # noqa: D107 super().__init__( f"Reporter '{reporter_id}' not found. See all" " available running 'project-config show reporters'", )
[docs]class InvalidNotBasedThirdPartyReporter(ProjectConfigException): """Reporter not based on base reporter class. All reporters must be based on the base reporter class :py::class:``project_config.reporters.base.BaseReporter``. """
[docs]class InvalidThirdPartyReportersModule(ProjectConfigException): """Third party reporters module is invalid. Third party reporters module must expose a color and a black/white reporter. """
reporters = { "default": "DefaultReporter", "json": "JsonReporter", "json:pretty": "JsonReporter", "json:pretty4": "JsonReporter", "toml": "TomlReporter", "yaml": "YamlReporter", "markdown": "GithubFlavoredMarkdownReporter", "github-actions": "GithubFlavoredMarkdownReporter", **{f"table:{fmt}": "TableReporter" for fmt in tabulate_formats}, } reporters_modules = { "json": "json_", "markdown": "ghf_markdown", "github-actions": "ghf_markdown", }
[docs]def _parse_reporter_arguments(arguments_string: str) -> dict[str, Any]: result: dict[str, str] = {} for arg_value in arguments_string.split(";"): key, value = arg_value.split("=", maxsplit=1) result[key] = json.loads(value) return result
[docs]def parse_reporter_id(value: str) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Parse a reporter identifier. Returns the reporter name and the optional arguments for his class. Args: value (str): Reporter identifier. """ if ";" in value: reporter_id, reporter_kwargs_string = value.split(";", maxsplit=1) else: reporter_id, reporter_kwargs_string = value, "" if ":" in reporter_id: reporter_name, fmt = reporter_id.split(":", maxsplit=1) else: reporter_name, fmt = reporter_id, None if reporter_kwargs_string: reporter_kwargs = _parse_reporter_arguments(reporter_kwargs_string) else: reporter_kwargs = {} return reporter_name, {**reporter_kwargs, "fmt": fmt}
[docs]def get_reporter( reporter_name: str, reporter_kwargs: dict[str, Any], color: bool | None, rootdir: str, only_hints: bool = False, # noqa: FBT001, FBT002 ) -> Any: """Reporters factory. Args: reporter_name (str): Reporter identifier name. reporter_kwargs (dict): Optional arguments for reporter class. color (bool): Return the colorized version of the reporter, if is implemented, using the black/white version as a fallback. rootdir (str): Root directory of the project. only_hints (bool): If ``True``, only hints will be reported. """ try: if reporter_name in reporters: reporter_class_name = reporters[reporter_name] else: reporter_class_name = reporters[ f"{reporter_name}:{reporter_kwargs.get('fmt')}" ] except KeyError: # 3rd party reporter third_party_reporters = ThirdPartyReporters() reporter_module = third_party_reporters.load(reporter_name) ( color_class_name, bw_class_name, ) = third_party_reporters.validate_reporter_module( reporter_module, ) # validate both reporters in the class for class_name in (color_class_name, bw_class_name): third_party_reporters.validate_reporter_class( getattr(reporter_module, class_name), ) reporter_class_name = color_class_name if color else bw_class_name Reporter = getattr(reporter_module, reporter_class_name) third_party_reporters.validate_reporter_class(Reporter) else: reporter_module_name = reporters_modules.get( reporter_name, reporter_name, ) reporter_module = importlib.import_module( f"project_config.reporters.{reporter_module_name}", ) if color in (True, None): reporter_class_name = reporter_class_name.replace( "Reporter", "ColorReporter", ) Reporter = getattr(reporter_module, reporter_class_name) reporter_kwargs.update({"only_hints": only_hints}) return Reporter(rootdir, **reporter_kwargs)
[docs]class ThirdPartyReporters: """Third party reporters loader from entrypoints.""" # allow to reset the instance, just for testing purposes instance: ThirdPartyReporters | None = None def __new__(cls) -> ThirdPartyReporters: # noqa: D102 if cls.instance is None: cls.instance = super().__new__(cls) return cls.instance def __init__(self) -> None: # noqa: D107 self.reporters_loaders: dict[ str, Callable[[], types.ModuleType], ] = {} self.loaded_reporters: dict[str, types.ModuleType] = {} self._prepare_third_party_reporters() @property def ids(self) -> list[str]: """Returns the identifiers of the 3rd party reporters.""" return list(self.reporters_loaders.keys())
[docs] def _prepare_third_party_reporters(self) -> None: for reporter_entrypoint in importlib_metadata.entry_points( group=PROJECT_CONFIG_REPORTERS_ENTRYPOINTS_GROUP, ): self.reporters_loaders[] = ( reporter_entrypoint.load )
[docs] def load(self, reporter_name: str) -> types.ModuleType: """Load a third party reporter. Args: reporter_name (str): Reporter module entrypoint name. """ if reporter_name not in self.loaded_reporters: try: reporter_impl = self.reporters_loaders[reporter_name] except KeyError: # A third party reporter was not found raise InvalidThirdPartyReporterName(reporter_name) from None else: self.loaded_reporters[reporter_name] = reporter_impl() return self.loaded_reporters[reporter_name]
[docs] def validate_reporter_module( self, reporter_module: types.ModuleType, ) -> tuple[str, str]: """Validate a reporter module. Returns black/white and color reporter class names if the reporters module is valid. Args: reporter_module (type): Reporters module to validate. """ color_reporter_class_name = "" bw_reporter_class_name = "" for object_name in dir(reporter_module): if object_name.startswith(("_", "Base")): continue if "ColorReporter" in object_name: if not color_reporter_class_name: color_reporter_class_name = object_name else: raise InvalidThirdPartyReportersModule( "Multiple public color reporters found in module" f" '{reporter_module.__name__}'", ) elif "Reporter" in object_name: if not bw_reporter_class_name: bw_reporter_class_name = object_name else: raise InvalidThirdPartyReportersModule( "Multiple public black/white reporters found in" f" module '{reporter_module.__name__}'", ) if not color_reporter_class_name: raise InvalidThirdPartyReportersModule( "No color reporter found in module" f" '{reporter_module.__name__}'", ) if not bw_reporter_class_name: raise InvalidThirdPartyReportersModule( "No black/white reporter found in module" f" '{reporter_module.__name__}'", ) return color_reporter_class_name, bw_reporter_class_name
[docs] def validate_reporter_class(self, reporter_class: Any) -> None: """Validate a reporter class. Args: reporter_class (type): Reporter class to validate. """ if not issubclass(reporter_class, BaseReporter): raise InvalidNotBasedThirdPartyReporter( f"Reporter class '{reporter_class.__name__}' is not" " a subclass of BaseReporter", )