
The leptos_fluent! macro is used to load the translations and set the current locale. It is used in the root component of the application.

leptos_fluent! {
    locales: "./locales",
    translations: [TRANSLATIONS],

Common configurations

CSR | Local storage from navigator

leptos_fluent! {
    locales: "./locales",
    translations: [TRANSLATIONS],

    set_language_to_localstorage: true,
    initial_language_from_localstorage: true,
    initial_language_from_navigator: true,
    initial_language_from_navigator_to_localstorage: true,
    initial_language_from_url_param: true,
    initial_language_from_url_param_to_localstorage: true,
    localstorage_key: "lang",
leptos_fluent! {
    locales: "./locales",
    translations: [TRANSLATIONS],

    set_language_to_cookie: true,
    initial_language_from_cookie: true,
    initial_language_from_navigator: true,
    initial_language_from_navigator_to_cookie: true,
    initial_language_from_url_param: true,
    initial_language_from_url_param_to_cookie: true,
    initial_language_from_accept_language_header: true,
    cookie_name: "lf-lang",

featsystem | Data files on Desktop applications

leptos_fluent! {
    locales: "./locales",
    translations: [TRANSLATIONS],

    initial_language_from_system: true,
    initial_language_from_system_to_data_file: true,
    initial_language_from_data_file: true,
    set_language_to_data_file: true,
    data_file_key: "system-language-example",

Processing steps

There is four kind of parameters for all the possible configurations and are executed in the next order:


  1. Get the initial languaje from a source or target: initial_language_from_*
  2. Obtain the initial language and set to a target: initial_language_from_*_to_*
  3. Synchronize the current language with a target: set_language_to_*
  • The name of a source or a target: cookie_name, localstorage_key, navigator...

Sources and targets

Sources are read-only and targets are read-write.

  • Sources: navigator, system, accept_language_header
  • Targets: cookie_name, localstorage_key, url_param, data_file...

Commented example


leptos_fluent! {
    // ..
    // Get the initial language from the source operative system
    initial_language_from_system: true,
    // and set to the target file.
    initial_language_from_system_to_data_file: true,
    // If a target data file exists, get the initial language from it.
    initial_language_from_data_file: true,
    // When the language is updated, set it to the file.
    set_language_to_data_file: true,
    // Unique file name to set the language for this app:
    data_file_key: "system-language-example",



Set the translations to be used in the application. It must be a reference to a static array of fluent_templates::static_loader! instances.

use fluent_templates::static_loader;
use leptos_fluent::leptos_fluent;

static_loader! {
    pub static TRANSLATIONS = {
        locales: "./locales",
        fallback_language: "en",

leptos_fluent! {
    locales: "./locales",
    translations: [TRANSLATIONS],
    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Must be the same identifier used in the fluent_templates::static_loader! macro, which returns an std::sync::LazyLock variable.


Set the path to the locales directory which contain the Fluent files for the translations. Must be relative to the Cargo.toml file, the same used in the fluent_templates::static_loader! macro.

leptos_fluent! {
    locales: "./locales",
    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    translations: [TRANSLATIONS],


Common locale resources that are shared across all locales. Must be relative to the Cargo.toml file, the same used in the fluent_templates::static_loader! macro:

static_loader! {
    pub static TRANSLATIONS = {
        locales: "./locales",
        core_locales: "./locales/core",

leptos_fluent! {
    locales: "./locales",
    core_locales: "./locales/core",
    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    translations: [TRANSLATIONS],


Path to a file containing the list of languages supported by the application. Must be relative to the Cargo.toml file.


In order to use this parameter a languages file feature must be enabled. See 4. Languages

leptos_fluent! {
    locales: "./locales",
    languages: "./locales/languages.json",
    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    translations: [TRANSLATIONS],


Check the translations at compile time. It is useful to ensure that all translations are correct and that there are no missing translations.

Must be a glob relative to the Cargo.toml file.

  • For single crate projects:

    leptos_fluent! {
        locales: "./locales",
        translations: [TRANSLATIONS],
        check_translations: "./src/**/*.rs",
        // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • For workspace projects:

    leptos_fluent! {
        locales: "./locales",
        translations: [TRANSLATIONS],
        check_translations: "../{app,components}/src/**/*.rs",
        // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

CSR | sync_html_tag_lang

Synchronize the global <html lang="..."> attribute with current language using Effect::new. Can be a literal boolean or an expression that will be evaluated at runtime.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    sync_html_tag_lang: true,

CSR | sync_html_tag_dir

Synchronize the global <html dir="..."> attribute with current language using Effect::new.

Can be a literal boolean or an expression that will be evaluated at runtime.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    sync_html_tag_dir: true,

For custom languages from a languages file, specify a third element in the inner array with the direction of the language, which can be "auto", "ltr", or "rtl". Discovered languages will be defined depending on the language.


  • Arabic (ar): "rtl"
  • English (en): "ltr"
  • Japanese (ja): "auto"

CSR + SSR | url_param: "lang"

Name of URL parameter used to manage the current language.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    url_param: "lang",

CSR + SSR | initial_language_from_url_param

Set initial language from URL parameter.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_url_param: true,

CSR | initial_language_from_url_param_to_localstorage

Get initial language from URL parameter and save it to local storage.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_url_param_to_localstorage: true,

Get initial language from URL parameter and save it to a cookie.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_url_param_to_cookie: true,

CSR | set_language_to_url_param

Synchronize current language with URL parameter.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    set_language_to_url_param: true,

CSR + SSR | url_path

Language extractor from URL path. It must take the URI path as argument and return the possible language.

/// Get the language from the top directory in the URL path.
fn get_language_from_url_path(path: &str) -> &str {
    if let Some(language) = path.split('/').nth(1) {
        return language;

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    url_path: get_language_from_url_path,

CSR + SSR | initial_language_from_url_path

Set initial language from URL path.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_url_path: true,

Set initial language from URL path to a cookie.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_url_path_to_cookie: true,

CSR | initial_language_from_url_path_to_localstorage

Set initial language from URL path to local storage.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_url_path_to_localstorage: true,

CSR | localstorage_key: "lang"

Local storage key to manage the current language.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    localstorage_key: "lang",

CSR | initial_language_from_localstorage

Get initial language from local storage.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_localstorage: true,

Get initial language from local storage and save it to a cookie.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_localstorage_to_cookie: true,

CSR | set_language_to_localstorage

Set the current language to local storage.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    set_language_to_localstorage: true,

CSR | initial_language_from_navigator

Get the initial language from navigator.languages.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_navigator: true,

CSR | initial_language_from_navigator_to_localstorage

Get the initial language from navigator.languages and save it in the local storage.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_navigator_to_localstorage: true,

Get the initial language from navigator.languages and save it in a cookie.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_navigator_to_cookie: true,

CSR | set_language_from_navigator

When the user changes the language in the browser settings, the language change will be reflected in the client.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    set_language_from_navigator: true,

SSR | initial_language_from_accept_language_header

Get the initial language from the Accept-Language header.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_accept_language_header: true,

Name of the cookie that will be used to manage the current language. By default it is "lf-lang".

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    cookie_name: "lang",

Cookie attributes to set on the language cookie.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    cookie_attrs: "SameSite=Strict; Secure",

If value is an expression the cookie will not be validated at compile time:

let attrs = "SameSite=Strict; Secure; MyCustomCookie=value"
leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    cookie_attrs: attrs,

Get the initial language from the cookie.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_cookie: true,

Get the initial language from the cookie and save it in the local storage.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_cookie_to_localstorage: true,

Set the current language to the cookie.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    set_language_to_cookie: true,

featsystem | initial_language_from_system

Get the initial language from the system.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_system: true,

featsystem | initial_language_from_data_file

Get the initial language from a data file.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_data_file: true,

featsystem | initial_language_from_system_to_data_file

Get the initial language from the system and save it in a data file.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_system_to_data_file: true,

featsystem | set_language_to_data_file

Set the current language to a data file.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    set_language_to_data_file: true,

featsystem | data_file_key: "leptos-fluent"

Key to manage the current language in the data file. It should be unique per application.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    data_file_key: "my-app",


Provide the macro meta information at runtime as a context. Get it using I18n::meta:

let i18n = leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    provide_meta_context: true,

println!("Macro parameters: {:?}", i18n.meta().unwrap());


Get the initial language from a server function.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_server_function: initial_language_server_function,

/// Server function to set the initial language
#[server(InitialLanguage, "/api")]
pub async fn initial_language_server_function(
) -> Result<Option<String>, ServerFnError> {
    // .. replace with your own logic

This parameter type is not like the initial_language_from_* parameters, it takes an identifier to the server function that will be called to get the initial language.

The function must return a Result<Option<String>, ServerFnError>.


Set the current language to a server function.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    set_language_to_server_function: set_language_server_function,

/// Server function to update the current language
#[server(SetLanguage, "/api")]
pub async fn set_language_server_function(
    language: String,
) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    // .. replace with your own logic

This parameter type is not like the set_language_to_* parameters, it takes an identifier to the server function that will be called to update the current language.

The function must return a Result<(), ServerFnError>.


Get the initial language from local storage and set it to a server function.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_localstorage_to_server_function: set_language_server_function,

#[server(SetLanguage, "/api")]
pub async fn set_language_server_function(
    language: String,
) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    // .. replace with your own logic

Get the initial language from a cookie and set it to a server function.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_cookie_to_server_function: set_language_server_function,

#[server(SetLanguage, "/api")]
pub async fn set_language_server_function(
    language: String,
) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    // .. replace with your own logic


Get the initial language from navigator.languages and set it to a server function.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_navigator_to_server_function: set_language_server_function,

#[server(SetLanguage, "/api")]
pub async fn set_language_server_function(
    language: String,
) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    // .. replace with your own logic


Get the initial language from a URL parameter and set it to a server function.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_url_param_to_server_function: set_language_server_function,

#[server(SetLanguage, "/api")]
pub async fn set_language_server_function(
    language: String,
) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    // .. replace with your own logic


Get the initial language from a URL path and set it to a server function.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_url_path_to_server_function: set_language_server_function,

#[server(SetLanguage, "/api")]
pub async fn set_language_server_function(
    language: String,
) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    // .. replace with your own logic

Get the initial language from a server function and set it to a cookie.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_server_function_to_cookie: true,


Get the initial language from a server function and set it to local storage.

leptos_fluent! {
    // ...
    initial_language_from_server_function_to_localstorage: true,