
leptos-fluent follows a default strategy to generate the languages of the application. This strategy is based on the locales/ directory.

Giving the next directory structure:

└── 📁 locales
    ├── 📁 en
    │   └── 📄 main.ftl
    └── 📁 es-ES
        └── 📄 main.ftl

The framework will generate something like the following languages array at compile time:

fn main() {
  leptos_fluent::Language {
    id: unic_langid::langid!("en"),
    name: "English",
    dir: leptos_fluent::WritingDirection::Ltr,
  leptos_fluent::Language {
    id: unic_langid::langid!("es-ES"),
    name: "Español (España)",
    dir: leptos_fluent::WritingDirection::Ltr,
  • en is built with the name "English" because it's defined as an ISO 639-1 code, without a region code.
  • es-ES is built with the name "Español (España)" because it's defined as an ISO 639-1 code and a region code.

This enforces that an user will always be able to select their language in their own language, and not in the current language of the application.


The order of the languages will be defined based on the alphabetical order of their names, not their codes.

The languages file

The languages array can be fully customized by defining a languages parameter in the leptos_fluent! macro pointing to a languages file. This file must be relative to the Cargo.toml file.

fn main() {
leptos_fluent! {{
    languages: "./locales/languages.json",
    // ...
  ["en", "English"],
  ["es-ES", "Spanish (Spain)", "auto"]

The languages file must expose an array of arrays with the structure:

  // Code, Name,            "ltr"/"rtl"/"auto" (optional)
  ["code", "Language name", "Writing direction"],


The order of the languages in leptos_fluent::I18n::languages will be the same as in the file regardless of the alphabetical order of the names.

The first in the languages file will used as the initial of the user when any other initialization value is discovered. Use the same as the one configured as fallback_language in static_loader!.

fn main() {
static_loader! {
    static TRANSLATIONS = {
        locales: "./locales",
        fallback_language: "en",

pub fn App() -> impl IntoView {
    leptos_fluent! {{
        translations: [TRANSLATIONS],
        languages: "./locales/languages.json5",
// ./locales/languages.json5
  ["en", "English"],
  ["es-ES", "Español (España)"],

File format

By default, the json feature is enabled, which only allows to set the languages file in JSON format. To use other formats, disable the feature and enable another.

leptos-fluent = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = ["json5"] }

Available features for languages file formats are:

  • json: JSON (default)
  • yaml: YAML
  • json5: JSON5