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Official extensions

Officially supported extensions


You must always let one newline between each reference:

The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.

The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.

*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language

*[W3C]:  World Wide Web Consortium
msgid "The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C."
msgstr "La especificación HTML es mantenida por el W3C."

msgid "*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language"
msgstr "*[HTML]: Lenguaje de Marcado de Hipertexto"

msgid "*[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium"
msgstr "*[W3C]: Consorcio Mundial de Internet"


Only title attributes values are translated. Currently, this extension is a bit tricky because, if you want to see the title attribute value included in your PO file, you must add an attribute mdpo:

#### [link]({: title="With a translated title!" mdpo }
msgid ""
"[link]({: title=\"With a "
"translated title!\" mdpo }"
msgstr ""
"[link]({: title=\"¡Con un "
"título traducido!\" mdpo }"


You must let a blank line between the term and its definition:

Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.
The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.

:   Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
    the family Rosaceae.


:   The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.
msgid "Apple"
msgstr "Manzana"

msgid "Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae."
msgstr "Fruto de orujo de plantas del género Malus de la familia Rosaceae."

msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Naranja"

msgid "The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus."
msgstr "El fruto de un árbol de hoja perenne del género Citrus."


Code blocks are not translated by default, but you can include a ` HTML comment before each code block that you want translate.

var hello = "world";
<!-- mdpo-include-codeblock -->
var hello = "world";
msgid "var hello = \"world\"; "
msgstr ""


You must always let one newline between each footnote content:

This is a footnote1. This is another2.

This is a footnote[^1]. This is another[^2].

[^1]: This is a footnote content.

[^2]: This is another footnote content.
msgid "This is a footnote[^1]. This is another[^2]."
msgstr "Esto es una nota al pie[^1]. Esto es otra[^2]."

msgid "[^1]: This is a footnote content."
msgstr "[^1]: Esto es el contenido de una nota al pie."

msgid "[^2]: This is another footnote content."
msgstr "[^2]: Esto es el contenido de otra nota al pie"


First header Second header
Content cell Content cell
Content cell Content cell
First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell
Content Cell  | Content Cell
msgid "First header"
msgstr "Primer encabezado"

msgid "Second header"
msgstr "Segundo encabezado"

msgid "Content cell"
msgstr "Contenido de celda"


Admonition title

The title will also be included in the PO file.


Even the implicit title, which in this case would be "Note".

!!! note "Admonition title"

    Don't be afraid, the title will also be included in the PO file.

!!! note

    Even the implicit title, which in this case would be "Note".
msgid "Admonition title"
msgstr "Título de advertencia"

msgid "The title will also be included in the PO file."
msgstr "El título también será añadido en el archivo PO."

msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"

msgid "Even the implicit title, which in this case would be \"Note\"."
msgstr "Incluso el título implícito, el cual en este caso sería \"Nota\"."

  1. This is a footnote content. 

  2. This is another footnote content.