
leptos-fluent is a framework for internationalizing Leptos applications using Fluent. It has all the batteries included to handle language switching, translations management, multiple strategies for activating translations at initialization, different modes of persistent storage, and more. License downloads


The unique alternative to leptos-fluent currently is Leptos i18n, which follows a different approach. The main differences are:

  • leptos-fluent uses Fluent files and the Fluent syntax for translations, while leptos_i18n uses JSON files and a custom syntax.
  • leptos-fluent defines all the configuration in a macro and an optional languages file, while leptos_i18n defines the configuration in a [package.metadata.leptos-i18n] section in Cargo.toml.
  • leptos-fluent allows to instantiate multiple internationalization contexts, while leptos_i18n only allows one.
  • leptos-fluent has a lot of strategies for activating the initial language of the user at initialization and updating it when the user changes the language, while leptos_i18n only follows the cookie strategy.
  • leptos-fluent automatically builds language names and directions based on language codes, while leptos_i18n don't.
  • leptos-fluent has multiple side effects for updating the language in the client, while leptos_i18n only has the <html lang="..."> attribute and is not configurable.

Project goals

The main goals of leptos-fluent are:

  • To provide a simple and easy-to-use API for internationalizing Leptos applications.
  • Be the most fully featured internationalization framework in any language.
  • Be the most performant internationalization framework available.

Defining the internationalization strategy using a macro allows to generate the less code possible for each possible configuration.

Help and support

Discord channel

You can ask for help and support in the #leptos-fluent channel of Leptos Discord server, open a discussion in the GitHub repository or report bugs by opening an issue.


Help wanted issues

See file for more information about how to setup the development environment and contribute to the project.